Project Section


To use the traditional knowledge unique to Sri Lankan traditional medical system for Development of the country.


Conservation, Development, Promotion, Advancement and securing of traditional knowledge of Traditional Medical System with the productive contribution of its heirs and sharing of mutual benefits.


Main goal of this program is to establish recognition for the traditional medical system within both National and International Community. Thus special focus of this project is to ensure continuation of the knowledge of Traditional Medical Practitioner’s.

1. To conduct a census of Traditional Medical Practitioners and to create a national documentation on medical generations, registration of the above generations to identify “Guru – kula” and to establish a database relating to traditional medical system.

2. To discuss methods to promote traditional medicine, to collect traditional medical knowledge and to establish an e-library for traditional medical knowledge consisting of audio visual unit.

3. To establish Legal grants to protect Intellectual property rights related to traditional medical knowledge thus establishing methods to study fruitfulness of the necessary steps to provide practitioners with such facilities.

4. To conduct conference on traditional medical knowledge, awakening “Guru – kula” knowledge thus strengthening the program of integrating that knowledge in to University education system.

5. To establish the National museum of traditional medical knowledge which consists of a conservation unite for ola leaf books and archive to ensure the preservation of books and equipment’s and other relevant materials consisting of medical value which belongs to traditional practitioners, for the future generations.

6. To improve service of traditional medical practitioners, thus providing more convenient ways for pubic to reach promising traditional medical treatments.

7. To establish a combined National traditional indigenous practitioner conservation program and to establish traditional medical system as “ Sri Lankan Indigenous Medicine” in both national and international community.

Composition of target beneficiaries / stakeholders

• Traditional medical practitioners

• traditional medical students

• Indigenous medical university students

• Patients taking treatment from traditional practitioners

• Herbal cultivators, Suppliers providing for national medicine market and business community.

• International community hoping to benefit from traditional medical system

• Job market and community seeking government jobs

• Researchers

Expected Project Outputs

A census of Traditional Medical Practitioners will be conducted and a database and a National documentation on medical generations and traditional medical system will be established.

Audio visual unit for collecting and translating traditional medical knowledge will be established.

Confirmation of “Guru-kula” and conducting conservation on traditional medicine will strengthen the effort to bring their knowledge in to the university education.

Law system to corroborate Intellectual property rights related to traditional medical knowledge will be established.

E-library for traditional medicine will be established.

Conservation unite for Indigenous practitioner conservation program will be established.

The National museum of traditional medical knowledge will be established.

A combined National traditional indigenous practitioner conservation program will be established.

Traditional medical system will be established as “ Sri Lankan Indigenous Medicine “ in both national and international community.