
The Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute (BMARI) is a national centre of excellence in Medical Research related to Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other Medicine systems. The BMARI is committed to improve the quality and assure the standards of Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha/Traditional and Indigenous medicine (AUSTI) research, based on principles of medical and research ethics.


The process of ethics review, by the Research Ethics Committee of BMARI (REC-BMARI) will take place paying due attention to the complexity involved with AUSTI research and the need to respect their fundamentals within the boundaries of accepted medical and research norms and ethics, catering to both improving AUSTI medical services and sharing of knowledge with broader medical, public health and scientific communities.



The REC-BMARI will also provide its services as an expert committee on guiding AUSTI research particularly by providing expert opinions and guidelines in areas where researchers face challenges pertaining to complexities involved with AUSTI research, and AUSTI related ethical issues in clinical studies. The members of REC-BMARI represent a broad range of expertise in knowledge and professional experience.


The REC-BMARI ,  while appreciating unique issues related to AUSTI research and complexities involved, will ensure to follow the following guidelines and recommendations of the International Guidelines on Biomedical Research of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), General Guidelines for Methodologies on Research on Evaluation of Traditional Medicine of World Health Organization (WHO), the Research guidelines for Evaluation the Safety and Efficacy of Herbal Medicine of the World Health Organization (WHO) and available national guidelines. (i. e. Forum for Research Ethics Committees in Sri Lanka-FRECSL)



Recognition – Registered in Forum for Research Ethics Committees in Sri Lanka (FRECSL) and Ministry of Health Sri Lanka