Our Vision

High quality research for strengthening Indigenous Medicine Systems for better health care

Our Mission

To provide national leadership in conducting well regulated high quality Medical Research that is responsive to the priority health needs of the people of Sri Lanka

“The Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research Institute (BMARI) is a national center of excellence in Medical Research related to Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and other Medicine systems identified by the BMARI. .”

The Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute (BMARI) is a national center of excellence in Medical Research related to Ayurvedha, Siddha, Unnani and other Medicine systems identified by the BIMRI. This institute is in a spacious and valuable land of 17 acres in extent on the Old Kottawa road, Maharagama. It is affiliated to the department of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine. The late Prime Minister, Hon. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, directed Pandith Shiva Sharma an eminent Ayurvedic Physician from India who was in Colombo in connection with writing a report on the development of Ayurveda in Sri Lanka, to work on the idea advanced in “Nagarjuna”. The recommendation of Pandith Shiva Sharma that the research institute be set up at Navinna. Accordingly, this institute was ceremonially declared open by Pandith Jawaharlal Nehru the Prime minister of India on 14th of October 1962. The BMARI is committed to achieve its new vision and to carry out the mission activities towards the intended-destiny.(Refe)